Meeting SOF Needs for Versatility, Durability and Reliability in
a Multi-Role Aircraft


The U.S.-built aircraft contains MAG-integrated sensors, communications, avionics, and weapons systems and can support mission sets including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Air Mobility, CASEVAC/MEDEVAC, Armed Reconnaissance, Strike Coordination, and Precision Strike.

Designed and built to operate with minimal support and tooling, the MC-208 Guardian boasts a historic 98 percent availability rate, and very low cost-per-flight-hour. The MC-208 Guardian is in use on three continents in the multi-role configuration.

Ready NOW to meet the needs of special operations missions

Fully Certified & Proven

  • USAF SEEK EAGLE certified
  • Operationally multi-role proven in ISR, Precision Strike, Armed Reconnaissance, Air Mobility, CASEVAC/MEDEVAC

Versatile Mobility

  • Easy breakdown for transport; 9-hour reassembly time
  • 2 aircraft fit on C-17

Go-To Austere Airfield Aircraft

  • Proven, rugged and flexible platform
  • Able to take off and land on short, austere runways

Range, Endurance & Reliability

  • 8-hour total mission duration, ensuring range, time on station, weapons support for SOF missions
  • Proven baseline platform with global supply chain

Mission Communications

  • Multiple, secure communication channels
  • Time-synchronized digital recording of cockpit audio and MFD data for playback


  • Four weapons-capable hardpoints
  • Capable of employing AGM-114 Missile variants K-R2, Talon Laser-Guided Rocket, Hydra-70 Rocket, and APKWS Laser-Guided Rocket

Crew Operation & Safety

  • 2 crew positions for IFR operations
  • Auto-pilot able to control ISR flight orbit
  • Oxygen capacity for 2 crew for 8 hours
  • All flight instruments and mission displays are NVD compliant

We designed the MC-208 Guardian to solve the toughest problems and protect troops on the ground even in the most austere environment. From ease of flight training and deployment, to the aircraft’s small logistical footprint, low cost, and aircrew friendly operations, the MC-208 Guardian delivers unmatched military might for the size and cost of the platform.”

Joe Fluet | Executive Chairman of the Board
MAG Aerospace

Joe Fluet

Problem 'SOLVED'

Simple to Operate, Easy to Maintain | Operation-Focused | Low-Cost, High ValueVersatile | Economical | Dependable

Simple to Operate, Easy to Maintain

Baseline platform proven and certified for over 40 years

98% historical availability rate

Global supply chain to support the aircraft and engine

Operation-Focused. Multi-role on every mission.

ISR Sensor Processing

Air Mobility


Armed Reconnaissance

Strike Coordination

Precision Strike

Low-Cost, High Value

Multiple communication channels and weapons configurations with quick reconfigurability

Total mission duration of nearly 8 hours

Integration of proven and certified capabilities


Roughly $420/flight hour (maintenance and fuel included)

Turnkey, technology agnostic approach provides best value

Mature pilot and maintainer training programs


Able to operate in the harshest environments

Integrated ballistic armor and self-sealing tanks

Operationally proven aircraft with over 20 million flight hours

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